WILKIE, Saskatchewan, RCMP REPORTS for July 14 to 20
- RCMP received a complaint of individuals loitering behind a business.
The complainant was concerned they were attempting to steal equipment.
Members attended and searched the property and area but could not locate
any suspects. Nothing was stolen.
- There was a report of a suspicious vehicle near Scott, Saskatchewan.
Reported for information purposes. Members patrolled but could not
locate the vehicle.
- There was a railway crossing malfunction near Landis.
- There was a complaint of an unwanted person in a residence. Members
advised the homeowner he could remove the person himself as he had
invited him over.
- Jakob Martens was located in a resident that he was on conditions not
to attend. He was charged with failing to comply with an undertaking.
Dezirae Falcon of Wilkie, 21 years old, was charged with obstructing a
peace officer when she lied about Marten’s location.
- RCMP received a report of a suspicious person near a residence.
Member located subject of complaint who had just stopped in the area to
park in the shade. No charges.
- There was also one traffic complaint